Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where Is The Gunpowder In Poptropica

Here's what they think about foreign tourists ...

Today we publish a video produced on May 22, 2009, in which some British and American tourists express their personal opinion about the presence of a coal plant in an area that aspires to live tourism and local products. We invite the

neosindaco Think to think carefully about the problem, before any foreign broadcaster (perhaps French) be able to implement some service on "Sagrantino to coal" .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gnx Polk Subs Any Good

gentle strokes, like someone was trying to see if the next step the earth beneath his feet will stand, eyes narrow, highly mobile, a smile is a golden valley defined cheekbones.
Autumn is now consolidated in the sky, air and thoughts. You are next with no real reason to be, while both of them through an avenue of trees apparently very similar to each other.
If we stop, we notice different ramifications. Someone will be more dense, others are more sparse. Different heights. Ultimately, none of them would be the same, yet glossing seems a symmetrical row of trees in photocopy.
Conversely, if we stopped here for a while, no time, just a few moments to notice the differences.
understand the difference now?
Our steps are interrupted when something not decode grabs your attention.
We are not walking together, we are two people walking down the street.
understand the difference now? You approach
gently to a small shrub that comes from one of the cracks of this street battered, with childlike wonder you stop near a small flower that grows in rumpled green splits the concrete. From here it seems as if you're hopping around him. I sit on a kind of stone slab on the opposite side, I look at my feet, with the fingers interlaced. For a few seconds I do not think of anything.

thoughts you think are wrong?

Your question breaks sudden, I raise my eyes to the point which clash with yours. I sniff the air around me, by deliberately blind eye to the metaphor. On tiptoe in front of me walking on a semi-circle that you created mentally.
And I, what I could never answer.
There are good decisions, the merits that counterbalance the faults, the greetings and wishes for the moment forever, the old and familiar songs, the ones we have heard three times already and we really like, people who talk too much and those who do not know what time it is.
For every word that flows into the waterfall there may be dozens of thoughts as a corollary.
And in time none of them find as you left it.
understand the difference now? There is no
real answer to your question. Whatever I can say is demagoguery. Perhaps you wonder
slightly this attitude, but I have my certainty accommodating and you yours. In my revived fundamentalism, I do not feel obliged to give you an answer.
The sky over our heads is opaque, monolithic and ephemeral. I have the feeling of being in front of a room where I'm going to give up and do a last look before turning off the light, for an unnecessary test.
understand the difference now?
Now give me back, and I know you're one thousand kilometers away from me. But it is as if it were business as usual, only it's completely different lights that illuminate from a different perspective, and to note there is no bitterness, no satisfaction, only awareness, cold as marble, completely tasteless. A handful of nothing is all we have.
understand the difference now?
I have.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bloons Td Cheats Ipod Walkthrough


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Superman Youth Wrestling Singlets For Sale

Meeting in Reggio Calabria - guide. And errata.

It 'been a week from the meeting in Reggio Calabria in the program Tunuè Maps, so I think it's time to make a brief report of the event. I apologize for the delay, but I'm a decent person and I do not like talking about myself. Using the blog just because an analyst is too expensive.

Bullshit aside, the meeting went very well, people rushed abundant - for some reason, perhaps expecting the desaparecido Cao and his Fred Perry, and instead found my ugly mug - have listened to my ravings, and at the end I did meet a lot of questions. And why not smoked a cigar.
for the occasion were shown in anteprimissima two tables of the new project and seem to have found positive feedback, which makes us very happy.
... Er, yes, the new project. I'll write soon, very soon. Before now!

For the rest, even after the meeting was fun. Robert of Cosplay has confirmed a perfect host, is always pleasant to see him again. During dinner
I had another meeting just as interesting, but this time with the wine of the restaurant. So I drove mica! Passing

stake in Frascati and recently published full-page interview with yours truly on a popular newspaper Cosenza. Thanking you for your attention of course, I am sorry to point out some 'inaccuracies here and there. Yeah, because I do not live and work in Rome, and above all, it was difficult to convince the boss that is not true that I write comic books when I'm at work. I never said anything like that in the interview, but have been reported.
Again, that's okay, but some mistakes were costing me the job, ugh.

I think I said all, this blog works after all, still are not crazy!
Or so says my little invisible friend is sitting here beside me.

PS: I got a copy of Cosplay P - HPC Ausonia. I had not read it yet (mea culpa), and now I can not stop doing that. I think it is an absolute masterpiece, a comic book that breaks the mold of the medium classically understood, through a sublime narrative composition. Readings as they are, at least on a personal level, I reconciled with life.