Monday, December 28, 2009

21st Birthday Verses For Cards

Black Summer Wasting the dawn would

My doctor, Dr. Follini, argues that post on the blog helps digestion. I do not believe
mica, but since right now I would really need, and - above all - because when the doctor puts a stethoscope puts me in awe, instead.

A nice video, maybe a little antiquated, but in this time of year is always there. Will be snow!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jvc Powered Subwoofer Thm 303


Christmas came as a heavy cleaver over our heads.
The people running from one shop to another, seem to many robot with the charge. Above the roar of the people on the roads we have galaxies of various types and sizes of lights, light up the whole neighborhood, making very difficult to hide. I remember when the police make in pursuit of an escaped convict with spotlights and helicopters.
And so, everything seems to be aimed at forcing you to be happy. Do you suggest what to do, what to buy, how to feel.
And in the end we also manage: I am the only gift that I got I still have it in his hands, unsure of his destination. It is for this reason that when I came out from where I bought it I had the air of one who was duped, but do not know how, and grating his head thoughtfully.
In the end, the parties can draw a festive and warm. But the only heat that is relevant is what you feel inside. If you feel it is distinctly, and can not be induced, or you have it or you do not have.
This is because life is not all seasons, and if I clutched a cold grip bodies, if a small hurricane seemed to suck everything inside you there is no Santa Claus, tenga.
Thus, the choices do not expect you to put it back into the attic fake tree. And if you pick the wrong one, the gift that you discarded in the end may not be to your liking.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pebbles And Bamm Bamm Cartoon

Um. So distant

Oh but how much do I use this blog?
