Monday, March 7, 2011

My Leg Is Twitching And Huts

MIGRATION - E tui, sesi de chine? 12

And here's the last post (really!) on Tespiadi in Sardinia.
We left them orphans of their pater spiritual, Iolaus, but well established in the palace of the island, rich and independent . The usual

Diodorus Siculus tells us that the colony received an oracle, presumably before departure: those who would join the expedition would remain forever free. The same
Diodorus, who lived around the beginning of the first century BC, was surprised that "contrary to all expectations," the oracle was found to be correct until his time, despite the attacks of the Carthaginians and the Romans.

But Diodorus also informs us that something had changed: the descendants of Tespiadi , who were lords of the island for many generations, in the end had been driven from their people.
Historian \\ mythographer does not give us' the reasons: it merely says that the descendants of Heracles left the island and arrived in the Campania coast, more precisely near Cuma . The Iolaei chose as their leaders left the aristoi and continued to defend their freedom. Who were these
aristoi ? Were chosen to mom ent of uprising, or There was already a nobility below the reigning families of Tespiadi ?
The answers can only be assumptions.

The fact that Diodorus, the Iolaei who had lost the splendor marked the era of tespiadi . It imb Arbara , and safeguard their independence foreigners left the rich coasts and the plains Ioalee to take refuge inside. Here, thanks all'asperità of the land and those which Diodorus describes as "inextricable underground", all shipments Carthage ended in a fiasco: at another point, the historian makes it clear that these underground dwellings, and the ancestors of pig iron fil of more recent periods, were almost impossible to find. When
then came the Romans (from 238 BC) the situation has not changed: despite repeated triumphs, and Sardi courses, for Diodorus these people were not really love submissive, in fact.

In another passage, in fact, Diodorus adds that Iole had taken refuge in the mountains, there had built underground dwellings of which we have discussed above and used to breed herds that made them self-sufficient : from greek good (Sicilians and for more) Diodorus seen a regression in the abandonment of agriculture in favor of a predominant sheep. These Sardinian "barbaric" contented to consume milk, cheese and meat, and abandoned the plain, "Avoiding the hard work of the fields."
Diodorus tells us elsewhere that this return to barbarism was due to the absence of their "Greek hand" of Tespiadi , because the barbarians were numerically higher than the Greek colonists, soon absorb them. But this "barbarism" should not be so terrible to Diodorus, in the end the Sardinians spent a life without pain pay of the foods mentioned.
But not only meat that man lives, and so Strabo (who lived between 63 BC and 20 AD), tells us that fertile parts of the island, even in imperial times, they were constantly looted by residents of the mountains, called Diagesbei , "while once they were called Iole .

Our second largest source, Pausanias, states that the "protection of the mountains" guaranteed to Ilies courses and the salvation of the Carthaginian fleet. He added that it was the Punic, not the prev Edentia settlers , To build and Karali Sulci.
build or rebuild? Or simply , as will thousands of years later in Alghero, removing the main city by the locals to replace them with Punic settlers?
Other assumptions that can not find a definitive answer.

But beware: we have always said that if Diodorus speaks of Iolaei (later renamed Diagesbei , according to Strabo ), Pausanias speaks of Ilies, as the geographer Pomponius Mela.
A small difference in pronunciation, transcription or something more? In the myth
words, the nuances are important. Some myths seem born to the wrong etymology ...

Back to Strabo: in his opinion "barbarians" of the island, then who joined the Tespiadi were Tirreni. And this we will talk, even if the fact that the two peoples living on the two sides of the same sea will certainly influenced this theory. But more interesting

is what Pausanias says. Speaking of shipments of the Carthaginians on the island, says that they almost completely annihilated the Hellenes, namely Iole. But, and here is the surprise, Ilie (not Iole ) age of the writer were not survivors of Hellenes, but the Trojans ...!
Yes, the Trojans took refuge in "high places of the island and in the mountains" by the difficult access, protected by cliffs and defenses.
Silio Italico, poet of the first century AD confirms and clarifies that it was not an oversight, but a clear line of mythical tradition: the Trojans (another name for the Trojans) would come to Hawaii "cast from the beach (Shipwreck • After a storm?), and here joined them with his Iolaus Tespiadi .
Not that these Trojans \\ Ilie have a different fate: for Pausanias is barbarity, becoming similar in appearance to the Libyans, in armor and in any other way of life.
But these are the "libido" which resembled , who were they? The Carthaginians? Or maybe Libi Sardo were the "largest component" that had absorbed the Greek (and, at this point, the Trojans)?

Again, the answers can only be the result of assumptions.

But Sardi \\ Tirreni and Sardi \\ Trojans, we'll talk soon .

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Does Rihanna Have Extensions Or Weave

MIGRATION - E tui, sesi de chine? 11

still a place of business and Iolaus Tespiadi in Sardinia, was born to tell how the mythical Sardinia.
a place where it is called the wealth, miraculous resurrections, rejuvenation, wars and beheadings.

We have seen that Iolaus was a great builder of high schools, courts and tholoi (nuraghi?) With the aid, according to some, of Daedalus. According to a current that follows
Sallustio, echoed by Pausanias, Daedalus was already in Sardinia, had come with the migration of Aristeo, but this does not mean that has subsequently worked for Iolaus.
is a fact that went: migrated to Cumae, where he built a temple to Apollo in which he told his story and the ill-fated flight of Icarus. So says Servius, so Virgil had narrated.

and the colony of Iolaus? Prospered. The usual
Diodorus tells us that Iolaus, defeated the natives, divided up the land, dividing it and improving it. The plain (Campidano?) Was still called Ioaleion Sicilian writer of our time, and Diodorus adds that Iolaus got busy in order to clear land and plant fruit trees.
Sardinia became so rich that that was his downfall. Diodorus us a clue that the island of wealth acquired such a reputation that the Carthaginians, centuries later, "for it endured many struggles and hardships." We can imagine

Iolaus, old but happy, for you to enjoy serenity his last days in his colony, thriving and famous ... but maybe not. Always
Diodorus, in fact, tells us that he returned to Greece and then, returning to the West, he stopped in Sicily. He was accompanied by some of Tespiadi, who stopped in Sicily, and were mingled with Sicani by these extraordinarily honored.

Our Iolaus would do anything to help the children of Heracles, wherever they were, and "system" in positions of prestige.
too old, or even after death (!) Iolaus was ready to give them a hand.

is said, in fact, that the wicked Eurystheus, king of Mycenae and persecutor of Heracles, after the death of attacked his children defenseless. Iolaus rushed to defend, with the help (once again) the usual Ateniesi.Pare that Eurystheus was a much cowardly: every time he gave Heracles a chore to be done and hope there will remain dry. And when the hero returned with his beautiful prize, the king of Mycenae, ran to hide safely in a pretty jar of bronze. But the sons of Heracles, in his opinion, should not be so dangerous as the father ...
But the army was defeated at Mycenae, Eurystheus and Iolaus chased and captured him, then took the prisoner to Alcmene, the mother of Heracles and asked what to do: Alcmene ordered that Iolaus was beheaded and executed the sentence.
So far nothing strange. If not that a variant Iolaus tells us that at the time was old or even dead!
The myth describes him dead in Sardinia, but as a good "sleeping under the mountain" (see notes to know what I mean!), Was resurrected just for the company ... A variation
more "rational" (and never quotes were more appropriate in this case) said that was not exactly dead, but only very old (sic). In view of the danger, Hebe, wife of Heracles and the divine goddess of youth, gave him back for a day and force youth to eliminate the enemy of the famous uncle.

that as it may, before eventually Iolaus arrived or returned to death. The honors were bestowed great: Tespiadi honored him as the progenitor, with the title of "Iolaus Father (the Pater Sardus?), Offered sacrifices to him as a god, they built the temples and recognized honors worthy of a hero. But what
not forget that some remained in Thebes
... And speaking of Thebes, Pausanias tells us that in this very city, in front of the doors Pretidi at the stadium and the gymnasium, the Thebans indicate a building like the heroon of Iolaus. The heroon is a heroic monument, which usually contained the dead body of the hero.

But Pausanias himself assures us: Theban Iolaus recognized that, Tespiadi and the Athenians that he made the migration, lay dead in Sardinia. On the island there were places called (again!) Iolaei where Iolaus was receiving honors from the inhabitants. It reinforces the concept
Solino: the Iolesi added a temple to the tomb of the hero because, similar in value to his uncle Heracles had released Sardinia for many ills that are not explained.
Tespiadi and Iolaus are perhaps the same "men sleeping in Sardinia [...] next to the heroes" of which Aristotle speaks, and behind which one can see that the rite of incubation was performed in all probability, in the Tombs of the Giants?

The fact is that the long reigned Tespiadi Sardinia. But we will speak in the next post, the last (promesso!) dedicated to the colonization of the grandsons of King Thespis.

Some small notes ...
What I mean by the "sleeping under the mountain" referring to Iolaus? Several legends tell of a king who looks dead, but actually sleeps in a place on the border with the world of the dead (usually a mountain) before returning to help his people in the moment of supreme danger. So it is said for example Arthur, but also to Frederick Barbarossa. Other versions say that Iolaus was present at the funeral pyre of Heracles: the shipment was made in Sardinia, and then, after the death of the great uncle. But mythographers that speak directly of the colony, seem to understand that Hercules was still alive when he left Iolaus. a discordant version of the end of Eurystheus said that it was Illo, the son of Heracles, and his cousin Iolaus to kill the king of Mycenae.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is The Yellow Puffle The Gold Puffle

MIGRATION - E tui, sesi de chine? 10

In the previous post we have left open the question: what changes were made in Sardinia from Iola and his cousins \u200b\u200bTespiadi?
In these lines, to answer. Imagine being

merchants Greeks arriving in Sardinia from the sea, on any day between the early Bronze Age and Iron Age full. It 's our first time on the island, and probably our attention might not be captured by the beauty of the sea and its cleanliness: heavy pollution in the bottom is still to come to the shores of the Mediterranean.
probably coming up with a merchant ship, we will not see even a mass covered with bronze warriors wait belligerent and suspicious of our landing. But almost certainly find other merchants interested in our goods, the people interested in buying or selling, some sent by the local lord.
No, our attention will surely be drawn to the great stone towers, common on the coast and inland, so as to characterize the landscape at strategic points. Those towers are now partially survived almost exclusively within the island, with no top, no plaster, no colors that probably once made them and visible. Why did those towers, called Nuraghe, were almost certainly a place of power, which was to be seen and noticed. Threatening enemies, reassuring allies and subjects.

landed, we pass the island and discover that these towers are everywhere. As the Cyclopean walls of Tiryns and Mycenae, similar to groundwater tholoi vaulted roofs of the Achaeans, but built out of the ground. A work of immense, incredible, made with a skill and an extraordinary relationship of proportion that is not easy in the regions bordering the Great Inland Sea.
Who can be built? The lords of the island, tell us.
But who are the gentlemen who have so much power, so much wealth? And who was the architect who designed these fortresses, residences, warehouses and so on?
We are Greeks and we can not conceive that nothing extraordinary can be done by those who have greek blood in his veins.
therefore justified. Perhaps some Punic speaks of the lords of the Island as descendants of Melqart, perhaps the gentlemen define themselves sons of the great god of the West. We Greeks, wiser and more learned, we know that behind Melqart and behind many of the direction where the sun sets, it hides our great hero Heracles.
And behind the plan of those towers, there can be a long breed of craftsmen and builders who are experimenting with techniques to pass information for centuries. No one man, a greek, only he may have had the same brilliant engineering that he used to make the big building called the Labyrinth of Crete, so complex that it is impossible to go out if you do not have a guide. This genius of antiquity is Daedalus, the Athenian. This
tell our compatriots when we come back nell'Ellade: there is an island in the middle of the Western Mediterranean, inhabited by the sons of Heracles, the same Tespiadi of which tells the migration, and Daedalus built for their fabulous tholoi and gymnasiums for physical exercises, and courts, and city.

Not much else tells the myth of Tespiadi.
Diodorus tells us that after the conquest of the island, Iolaus, son of quell'Ificle who was brother of Heracles, divided up the territory in order to develop agriculture, founded cities, built gymnasiums, temples, and "everything that makes life happy of men. " Named after the most beautiful head of the plains were called "Iolaee" until the time of Diodorus (90 BC), and always in honor of the son of Iphicles, the mix between Tespiadi, Greek colonists and former residents dell'isola, prese il nome di Iolaei: i tespiadi, infatti, onoravano Iolao come se fosse un padre.
In un altro punto, sempre Diodoro ci aggiunge che Iolao non ideò tutto personalmente, ma mandò a chiamare dalla Sicilia l'architetto Dedalo che, come abbiamo visto , dopo aver causato la morte di Minosse, aveva bisogno di "cambiare aria". E gli edifici esistevano ancora all'epoca di Diodoro, ed erano chiamati "Daidaleia" dal loro ideatore.

Come detto per Diodoro durante la spedizione Iolao fondò anche importanti città. Ma quali?
Pomponio Mela ci riferisce che tra gli abitanti più antichi dell'isola c'erano gli Iliensi (forse una versione degli Iolaei), and that there were among the first cities Karalis and Sulci. The synthetic pitch, perhaps suggesting that the two main cities of the island were somehow related to Iolaus and his Iolaei \\ Iliensi. But we know that
Karalis, in other versions, is the foundation of Aristeo , and also Nora Norac foundation, it must have been already built at the time of Iolaus. If Karalis not be attributed to him, was the foundation of Sulci Iolaus? Or, simply, we want to draw too much from the string passed by Pomponio, who just wants to designate two types of antiques (and the people of the two cities), but without wanting to establish a link between the two?
The other authors are not helpful. Diodorus, we have seen, is generic.
Pausanias is not clear, and indeed even move the focus from the south (the "boss below") to the north (the "head on"). For him, in fact, foundations were two urban under Tespiadi: Olbia Ogrille and built by the Athenians to the expedition in honor of one of them, called Ogrillo.
Solino, author of the third century AD, it remains the foundation of Olbia by Iolaus, but adds that the hero he founded "other Greek cities." But what?
In conclusion we sense that the true urban myth of Sardinia, more or less systematic, can be traced back to Iolaus and Tespiadi: they founded Olbia and "other cities", but it is not impossible to know for sure which ones.

Among the buildings, in addition to "tholoi" and the courts, the authors reminded the gymnasiums, gyms typically Greek. We remember them with others Diodorus buildings, but other authors give us some more information. A comment
ode of Pindar shows an earlier comment made by admin. Yes, that's the writer who inspired the "Didymus Cleric 'to Foscolo. Didymus would say that at Thebes, in the gymnasium of Iolaus, the Heraclidae races held in memory of Amphitryon, the putative father of Heracles. Iolaus himself did on those occasions in honor of the funeral of a distant person but "in reality the memory of Iolaus had turned to Sardinia.
What does this passage cited by a commentator to comment?
seems to intuit, along with other information we have, that the cult of heroic Iolaus was linked to sports. And this is not strange: the funeral games in honor of a famous person were the norm in the heroic world. But we can go to say that the races were a characteristic of Iola, and for this reason the authors emphasize the presence in Sardinia of high schools created by the son of Iphicles? After all, we must not forget that in the first edition of the Olympics and then in the games in honor of Pelias, Iolaus was the winner of the most prestigious race, the race with the cart.

Our world traveler Pausanias, speaking of Thebes, referred to as the city stands a gymnasium and a stadium, before the doors Pretidi. There, according to the Thebans, was the heroon of Iolaus. In short, the tomb of heroic Iolaus was once again tied to sporting events. Yet the same
Thebans, according to Pausanias, acknowledged that the real tomb of Iolaus, the Tespiadi and the Athenians went with them, were in Sardinia.
At this point it will be necessary to tell what happened to our characters after the great period of colonization.
I'll tell in the next post.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Long Dilation In Cataract Surgery

MIGRATION - E tui, sesi de chine? 9

After a long pause due to more or less pagan holidays, we resume the narrative of the myths that speak of the arrival of the first inhabitants of Sardinia.
We had stopped in the middle of a consignment of Tespiadi , the sons of Heracles, and from there again. The arrival of

Tespiadi poses certain problems: Who were the members of the expedition? What were the relations with the natives? As it became the island on their arrival? Let's start

composition of the new shipment of colonization. As we said
, from love of the great labors Hercules were born 50 children from 50 daughters of king of Thespis Thespis . Good: 40 of these children were sent from father to Sardinia to form a colony. An oracle would have ordered the hero Heracles and was glad to obey.
In their guide was the most faithful cousin Iolaus , the favorite nephew of Heracles.

In fact, drains (comments) to Dionysus give us a version that sees even Hercules himself to lead the expedition. The hero would be able to unify into a single people, children and Sardis, and then would send reinforcements from Greece. This second wave included the
Cadmeans (ie inhabitants of the Theban citadel of the city), and the Etoli Locresi . In short, with Heracles would leave the cream of the nations of Central Greece. The usual
Pausanias, the author of our tour guides, the Athenians also adds to the migrants. On the contrary: for him the expedition left its Act.

it went how it went, every nation had united to this wave of immigration, it was a set of composite people. However, once you are in Sardinia, the various facets of P disappear under the general heading of Iole. And since
this name for mythographers is linked to the name of Iolaus, we will follow the mainstream of the tradition that sees Iolaus just as the guide of the expedition, and not the more famous uncle. According to Diodorus the

Tespiadi were led by Iolaus for various reasons: Tespiadi were very young (even though they left when they had already reached manhood), and this command was a kind of reward Iolaus , who had participated in almost all businesses of Hercules

The expedition arrived in Sardinia, apparently without much difficulty. But, as told, the island was not an empty land: various waves of migration had preceded the tespiadi .
What were the relations between Heraclidae \\ Tespiadi and the previous inhabitants?

According to the version seen before, due to the drains Dionysus, Heracles peacefully Sardis and the newcomers.
The trend that indicates that a leader of the expedition was Iolaus, instead it divides into two branches: the first talks about a merger with the natives that appears peaceful, consistent with what he says the scholiast of Dionysus , but the second one deals with war.
The first branch of the tradition is followed by Strabo : the greek geographer tells us that generically Tespiadi "lived together with the Barbarians who then occupied the island" (remember that for Strabo these former inhabitants were Tirreni). So even Solino: the author of the third century AD Iolaus obtained "with enticements that divided the minds of the people we come to harmony" and then proceeded to the founding of the city. But the Sicilians

Diodorus sees it differently: first Iolaus arrived with "a large army of Greeks and Barbarians," and then explains that the colonization occurred only after Iolaus "won Indigenous in battle "in another passage that reiterates Iolaus " conquered the island. " The appearance is not belligerent
negligible: the foundation the colony was, for the ancient, an act of of a land claim. We have already seen d and migrants "return" to the lands of their ancestors, claiming possession.
Dionysus recalls that, in the wake of his expeditions to the West during some of his legendary labors (especially those in search of the Hesperides Pomi and oxen of Geryon ), Heracles considered that it should be considered the Lord of all the 'West. Sending children must have seemed a sort of "division of the paternal heritage" in advance.

The arrival of these children of Greek Heracles was so peaceful or not? Remaining in the context of pure myth, without going into complicated (and debated) scientific interpretations of scholars, the answer can not be definitive.
But we can remember that Diodorus Siculus, as well as an author be oldest Stabon Solino and was, in fact, a native of Sicily. In addition to physical proximity to Sardinia (which hypothetically to the vrebbe could allow an investigation of possible personal "territory"), had access to writings dating back to the Carthaginian, who then had different versions from the most pro-Roman grecizzanti and later. But anyway

has played the arrival of the shipment, all mythographers agree with the "after": The island was conquered by Iolaus, reorganized, and reached a development never seen before.
disappeared (almost all) the previous names of peoples: the new people that was formed from the union between the Greek settlers and earlier inhabitants took the name of yawl (or rather: Iolaei ) from Iolaus. Or Iolesi , says Solino. Or Iliensi , similar name, but also due to a different etymology, equally fascinating , of \u200b\u200bwhich more later. For now

this is enough: the colony was stable, the population was melting. Iolaus wanted to turn Sardinia, her leap "forward." And this brings us to the third of the questions we asked at the beginning of this post.
But the answer the next time we'll see.

Some small notes ...
If Tespiadi were only 50 and 40 of them went to Sardinia, which happened to the other 10? Apollodorus tells us that seven remained with Hercules to Calydon, and three were sent back to Thebes, the birthplace (in one version) of the glorious father.
The numbers do not match in Diodorus Sicilian: he says that only two were returned to Thebes, and that the other parties with Iolaus. but one more or one less, the substance does not change that much ...