Cretans? Were all liars.
We guarantee it Epimenides, who was from Crete, and if he did not know his fellow ... This creates quite a paradox: if Epimenides was telling the truth, at least one Cretan (Epimenides himself) would not be a liar. But if telling the truth, then all Cretans are liars, so he too, when he says that all Cretans are liars, mind ... and so on ad infinitum.
We are interested in this talk just as much? Well, yes. Meanwhile
because the Cretans (lying?) Said that not only Zeus was born in Crete, but there die each year and each year rises. So much so that it showed the grave. Zeus, the immortal father of the immortals, who dies? Mah .. Then why
Zeus was derived from the seed that made it famous Crete. A race that has had the odd ratios (literally, sometimes) with the bulls, with lies and with the courts. And most of the real "non" of the heroic barbarians that were the source. But let
in order.

we have already named in the genealogy of Danao strange: it would be a descendant of Io, the daughter of the river Inachus (nell'Argolide) coveted by Zeus, and (they say) turned into a cow. Whatever the case, Agenor, greek or not it was a third-generation immigrant, prevailed on the Lebanese coast or so. His daughter
Europe (toh! the eponym of our continent was born in Asia!) Played by the sea when the great grandfather Zeus, apparently not dead, but very vital indeed, saw it and covet. A Zeus liked to amuse
with the beautiful mortal women, whether or not they were his relatives. But he feared the wrath of the legitimate wife, was then transformed loved to enjoy his achievements in disguise.
Instead of changing into wet sparrow, a swan, the husband or the spasm in a shower of gold (i mythographers mostly Cretans are not, then we must give them credit), this time turned a bull, a beautiful bull. This bull
\\ Zeus went lazily on the beach where he played in Europe. The girls who accompanied the princess were frightened, but she did not: the bull seemed so tame ...

Europe find the courage, and began to put garlands on the horns of the bull: he was serene, even squatted. Europe found another little 'courage and curiosity-driven, sat in the back of our bull (honne soit qui mal y pense).
Suddenly the beast got up with Europe and back, and took to the sea: the poor girl clung to the horns to keep from falling, and soon after saw the shore leave.

Here the god of the sky resumed his true form, he seduced the girl (we can imagine what state of mind was the young) and her pregnant.
The girl was then marry with Asterion the king of the country and has no children, shotgun wedding, of course, but Zeus came back several times to find his beloved, because, say mythographers Cretans and Crete, the children of this union were three: the famous Minos, the almost equally famous brother Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, for a lesser glory.

only that there were problems between brothers, Minos and prevailed on others just because they proved to be a sovereign right to a nation of liars.
Challenged to prove his claim to the throne, his uncle cried Minos, Poseidon, brother of Zeus, to send a sign that would confirm his claim: if the god of the waters had not sent a horse (an animal sacred to him), but ' animal family, a bull, would sacrifice undermined him. And suddenly there was a bull from the sea beautiful: the other suitors silent, defeated.

only that the bull was really too good, and maybe remember "dad" to the new king. The fact is that, once won the dispute, Minos did not feel offered in sacrifice as he had promised.
And here is the new king, who would be remembered for the justice of its laws, had the cunning and perjury: reneged on his word, he made a sacrifice alternative (but less expensive) and thought that things would end there.
For his bad luck would end there ...
Some small notes ...

the disappearance Europa, Agenor was desperate: he ordered his sons to look for the girl and not to return without her. No one found it, and nobody came back, but immigrants became famous, famous eponyms of land. The names of his children were Phoenix (eponym of Phoenicia, more or less the current Lebanon), Cilicia (eponym of Cilicia, the coastal region of Anatolia before Cyprus) and Cadmus, but this is another famous immigrant in Greece, and tells the story.
Defeated by Minos in the dispute for the throne, Sarpedon migrated to Lycia (according to one version of Miletus founded the city). Rhadamanthus was in Crete and was the editor of the law is so good that, after his death, the gods chose their Rhadamanthus as one of the judges of hell.
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